Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Pre Sleeping Beauty

A sleeping beauty is always brought to life first in the eye of the beholder.

Gazing on a lover as they slumber.

Watching the seemingly endless calm

wash upon their brow

like waves on an empty moonlit beach.

The only coloured kid at school has had the

eyes of many stare onto her waking face.

Transporting their world on hers and

And now an attempted Romeo looks on solo

The spirit of this girl when she is awake could make mountains quake

and when asleep the tempers of a thousand giants keep.

She isn’t an example of Mother Nature she wears her very skirt

She moves between the Kings and the Madness and the Dirt

This power drawn by inverse engine of chaos and calm

her windmill grinds the gears and commands.

She is strident when she walks this world.

She entertains mosquitoes like she entertains fears

Those with the lucky eyes and ears

Can feel the magic and marvel at those who don’t understand it.

The stakes for a waking girl in this world are high

The challenges for men are many

Talk of morality in bars is easy.

She bears the fruit she is the harvest

Not one thing is wrong with her

Freckled nose twitching in repose

Hair lying delicately across a cheek

The hairspray can no longer keep

the sharp day up

and the warmth of her spreads out like a sunrise.

Kissing her on the lips is like particle generator

Placing your body and mind in paradise

Where you have no eyes to see it only your soul

She is always in and out of control

Her jaw is strong and soft

She always walks with her head aloft

Stars at her shoulder welcome her good morning and doff their heavy photon caps.

She is the horse the cart and the trap

She is Michael Angelo and the ceiling

She is every good feeling

Dawn together from different sides of the planet

She drags my heart to hers like a flesh magnet

Amazon woman captures my mind with her grace,

Gardens and dreams and planetary travel appear as a smile on her face.

Infinity refers to her eyes as an example

She is Adam and Eve and the apple

A Ragini Goddess cannot betray her roots

Her life astutely avoids the trivial pursuits.

The nature of man and woman is her work

Chemistry, bravery unexpected bliss,

Never ending belief in this.

There is no fork in the road only the meat

Your heart is only as big as you’ll allow it to be

Gazing with Imagery on sleeping Beauty

for Priyanka 8th Sept 2006

music enclosure : Good Souls by The Good Hurt

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